January 2011
Our Christmas with Poppa Bob & Grandma Karen.
Carson, Doug, Peyton & McKenna enjoying the ankle deep end of the kid pool. The water is so nice and warm that comes out of the jet ski. My favorite spot!
Jason sliding down and Carson just getting ready at the top to push off.
Peyton getting soaked by the jet ski.
Doug holding Carson and Bill holding Jason.
Tamara holding Peyton, Carson all bundled up and Jen.
Carson in the upper bunk.
This is the foot of the bed on the lower bunk. Such cute wall paper they had for the bunk bed room.
More cute wallpaper.
This cute paper is all around the kids room.
Peyton with her gift.
Peyton opening her present. All the packaging was so cute!
A momma & a baby duck bath toy set.
Carson is ready to open his present.
Carson's tool set.
McKenna opening her present & Karen looking on.
Bill & Bob working on putting the rocket stand together.
Carson jumping on the air bulb to blast off the rocket that Justin got.